Wednesday, September 26, 2012

list of things I never did, ate, or experienced until I came to China

 The list will probably grow in the next two years...

- (most recent) Surgery, to remove my appendix 

- Stayed in the hospital for 3 nights 

-        Had a Chinese name
-     Lived with a host family
-     Spoke Chinese

-        Ate Pork

-        Drank cola since it was the only beverage they served cold

-        Slipped on a banana peel

-        Craved KFC and McDonalds at least twice a month

-        Drank green tea for two months straight with no sugar

-        Ate a bowl of rice every day for the past two months

-        Had no bread for two months

-        Did not watch TV for 3 months straight

-        Ate ice cream after each spicy dish of dan dan mian (Sichuan specialty noodles)

-        Brought tissue to a public toilet

-        Used a squat toilet

-        Drank boiling water in a 100 degree weather

-        Dripped in sweat just by standing outside for 2 minutes 

-        Blogged

-        Been soaking wet , twice

-        Ate duck egg

-        Tried preserved eggs

-        Taught a practical writing class for nearly 50 students

-        Played ping pong

-        Played mah jong (Chinese game, equivalent to rummikub)

-        Been on a train ride that was 21+ hours long

-        Had my own apartment

-        Hear the sound of spit on a regular basis that could cover your face if it came your way

-        Hear an obnoxious “Hello” at least 5 times a day

-        Been at a tea house for 10 hours straight

-        Get stares every day

-        Have my picture taken by 300 freshman (my cheeks began to hurt)

-        Ate bamboo

-        Saw babies with slits in their pants so they could do their business out in the street

-        Girls and boys aged 2-4 peeing in the street

-        Been so afraid of traffic

-        Went rock climbing and joined a club with only Chinese speaking members
-     Went to a Kareoke bar (KTV) as the highlight of my night, and spent 5 hours there

-        Been so talkative with strangers on the bus/train

-        Had to accompany my site mate to the hospital and helped her after she fainted in the grocery store.

-        Bargained for a price

-        Been certified and signed a contract to work in a university

-        Toasted more than 7 times with the deans of my school at a banquet.

-        Had a banquet dinner from the Government of a province to celebrate foreign teachers

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